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Install the BACK Stack

In order to try out the BACK Stack locally you can follow these steps

You will use Porter to perform the installation. Currently, the generated Bundle supports installing the BACK stack on EKS or locally using KinD

Porter Bundle Info & Settings


NOTE: Although cloud provider credentials are not required, without them you cannot provision new clusters.

How to generate Azure AKS kubeconfig file:

az aks get-credentials --name MyManagedCluster \ 
  --resource-group MyResourceGroup \ 
  --file kubeconfig-azure

How to generate AWS EKS kubeconfig file:

aws eks update-kubeconfig --name backstack-hub \ 
  --region us-west-1 \ 
  --kubeconfig kubeconfig-aws

How to generate Azure Credentials:

az ad sp create-for-rbac --sdk-auth --role Owner \ 
  --scopes /subscriptions/$YOURSUBSCRIPTIONID > azure.json

How to pass AWS Credentials: NOTE Ensure you have stored your Key ID and Access Key in a file under the default heading (e.g.)

cat ~/.aws/credentials
aws_access_key_id = YOURKEYHERE
aws_secret_access_key = YOURSECRETKEYHERE

Name Description Required Comments
aws-credentials Credentials to be used for Crossplane provider-aws false
azure-credentials Credentials to be used for Crossplane provider-azure false
github-token Github API token true
kubeconfig kubeconfig to connect to non-local cluster false This should point to a kubeconfig for the cluster you want to install to. Ensure there is a valid long term authentication token stored in the file
vault-token This should always be root true


Name Description Type Default Required Comments
argocd-host DNS name for ArgoCD string false
backstage-host DNS name for Backstage string false
cluster-type Target kubernetes cluster type. Accepted values are kind, eks string kind true
repository Gitops repository for cluster requests and catalog-info string$YOURUSERNAME/showcase true
vault-host DNS name for Vault string false

This bundle uses the following tools: docker, exec, helm3, Kubernetes.

Generic Installation Instructions

To install this bundle, run the following commands, passing --param KEY=VALUE for any parameters you want to customize:

porter credentials generate back-stack-cloud-creds \ 
porter install --reference \ 
  --credential-set back-stack-cloud-creds \ 
  --param repository=

Installing Locally into KinD

The Porter bundle already includes KinD, so the only prerequisite is Docker/Docker Desktop to be running.

  1. Install porter
  2. Generate the credentials config, leaving the kubeconfig empty (it will be ignored)

    porter credentials generate back-stack-cloud-creds \ 
  3. Install the bundle; the default cluster-type and *-host parameters are configured for local deployment, and you need to allow Porter to access your local docker daemon.

    porter install back-stack \
      --reference \
      --credential-set back-stack-cloud-creds \
      --param repository= \

To connect to the KinD cluster running the BACK stack, update your kubeconfig:

porter installations output show kubeconfig-external \ 
  -i back-stack > ~/.kube/config

Installing into EKS

  • Existing EKS cluster with AWS Load Balancer Controller add-on installed
  • local kubeconfig file to connect to the cluster

  • Install porter (see above)

  • Generate the credentials config, specifying the path to the kubeconfig-aws file

    porter credentials generate back-stack-cloud-creds \ 
  • Install the bundle; set cluster-type to eks and specify DNS names that you want to use to access the BACK stack services. This can either be done using --param flags or by generating a parameter set

    # using parameter set
    porter parameters generate back-stack-params \ 
    porter install back-stack \ 
      --reference \
      --credential-set back-stack-cloud-creds \
      --parameter-set back-stack-params
  • After installation, you need to ensure the DNS names specified for argocd-host, backstage-host, and vault-host all resolve to the ingress service created during installation. The endpoint for this can be found by checking the bundle outputs

    porter installations output show ingress -i back-stack

    For this showcase, you can update /etc/hosts.